Monday, September 29, 2008

4:42 marathoner

Words can't even describe how I feel right now. After 18 weeks of training, I have achieved what I once thought was impossible. When I first started running years ago in Montreal I never thought I could run a marathon- if someone had said to me after running that 10 km race that one day I would run a marathon I seriously would have thought they were insane. But strangely enough how I felt yesterday was similar to how I felt when I crossed that 10km finish line years ago. The sense of accomplishment and achievement is still the same- no matter what the distance.

I think one of the main reasons that I achieved what I did yesterday has a lot to do with the people that are in my running life. Some may think that running is a pretty solitary sport and maybe for some that is the case, but one of the main joys of running for me have been the people that I have met along the way. All of the people I have run with have helped me become the runner that I am.

I can't believe that I have run a marathon- is a really surreal experience. Crossing that finish line has made me realize that I can achieve the things I set my mind too. Impossible really is nothing.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Longest run yet

This Sunday I managed to run the longest distance I have ever run- 35 km and then some (I say then some because I think I may have added some distance by messing up the route). The route took us all over the place and I also experienced another "First"- seeing what Scarborough look like!

The run was a really good one for me physically and mentally. If I could run a race like that I would be extremely happy. I also was really proud of myself for finishing this distance. It made me realize that I should have confidence in myself and that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to. I think when I cross the finish line at the Scotiabank Waterfront Marathon at the end of this month it will mark a new chapter in my life.

Monday, August 25, 2008

A painful run yesterday and after running 23km in hot and humid weather I started to really think can I possibly add 20km to this?

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I know that this blog was supposed to be about my road to the marathon, but today's entry is not really about running--more like my lack of running these days.  At the moment I just feel so overwhelmed, useless, and all round tired (emotionally and mentally more than physically).  I haven't slept more than two nights in my own bed since July 29th and won't sleep in my own bed again until August 25th.  My diet is thrown off and I can't eat where or when I want.  Am just worried about if I will actually fulfil my goal and my dream at this point.  Agh am way too emotional.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

completed 29 km today along the Lakeshore...feeling slightly out of it right now and currently lying in bed watching the first season of Ugly Betty..also wondering how on earth am I going to manage to run 13 km more than that....feeling also apprehensive about the up-coming travel plans. Hoping it won't affect the running that much and at the moment am just grateful for the fact that I leave on Tuesday morning and not tomorrow morning. Could not possibly pack right now.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Why am I doing this?

The title of this entry isn't referring to why am I trying to attempt to run a full marathon, but really is more trying to answer the question of why I am keeping this blog. I just finished watching a video of Mena Trott explaining why she and others blog. Why do we really blog when we know that no one is even reading this?

The most simple answer is that I am a bit of a narcissist, but the more complex answer is that I personally really want to document this experience- the highs and lows of training for a marathon. I want to be able to look back on this time of a my life and see how I was feeling at any given point. To be able to document this experience is a powerful and intimate thing. In years to come when I have a family of my own or my children's children have a family of their own I want them to be able to see what I did...ok, wait- maybe I am a narcissist?

Friday, July 4, 2008

Running in Zilker Park, Austin

If you ever find yourself in Austin, Texas definitely check out Zilker Park for its great running trails. Beautiful routes, great water fountains, and even a couple of showers to wet your head if you are too hot! Fantastic! Did my 10km tempo run there (although not too sure if it was really tempo...)

Even a statue of Stevie Ray Vaughn to check out along the way...