Friday, June 27, 2008

From TO to QC

Apparently by the time this marathon training is over I will have run from Toronto to Quebec City which according to Google Maps is 796 kilometers. Kind of nuts.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Tired Feet

I never gave much thought to feet before I ran- just liked them to squeeze into pretty shoes. Now, have a lot of respect for my feet and what they are going through. They are now tired feet.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

13 km through the beltline

Sunday morning run through one of Toronto's trail systems. Felt a bit fast at first, but got into the pace more midway through. It is also nice to get on the trails as it is cooler and better for the joints.

Then when the run was over grabbed a bite to eat at Cfood which is awesome- great place to grab a brunch that lets you have the best of both worlds- you get to choose three items on their menu!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Doing the best that you can do

So, I'm only going to complain once as I figure why would I complain about summer and heat when I long for this season all year. Anyways, ran 10km tempo in the heat and it was hot. The group this year seems to be characterized by those who want to qualify for the Boston Marathon and those of who just want to cross the finish line. So, there seems to be a bit of a difference in paces!

Is actually kind of a good learning experience being towards the back of the pack! I spend so much of my time being concerned with being the best and in running I'm not the best runner- I just attempt to do my best which I have come to realize is also a great achievement. So, each time I'm on a run I really do admire those people that make running look so easy (you know those types that just fly by you looking like they could do this all day long and hardly breaking a sweat), but I'm also proud of me as I know that I am running the best that I can for my ability.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

First training run and stretching...

First 6km run tonight with the group- feel excited and also happy that I stretched with the group. Am going to try and keep this stretching thing up although all I want to do is bolt after there after the run. Is so weird but I can run for ages but not be bothered to stretch for 10 minutes- mmm, think it is something to do with my impatient personality or just the fact that I have horrible flexibility.

Monday, June 9, 2008

apprehensive. nervous. excited. all of the above apply right now.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Salt and Vinegar Chips

You read it here first- tomorrow is the day I'm giving the up. Figure I need to start cutting out things that are not good for me. So, if anyone who knows me sees me with a bag or even a mere chip in my hand take it away from me. I may be mad, but I'll thank you later.

Thoughts from Friends.

Some inspirational thoughts from fellow runner friends.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Partners in Crime

The thoughts from those who will also be attempting to run the marathon. We've been running together for a year now and have successfully completed many running clinics together. Both of them have become great friends to me. We recently had a party to commemorate the finishing of our last running clinic and this is their thoughts on if we are going to run the marathon in the Fall.

The Beginning

I never thought I would be here and by "here" I mean sitting in my bed writing a blog about how I am going to run a marathon. For the longest time I have thought that people who run marathons are crazy. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves? But after running 5 half marathons, training through snowstorms, and heat warning I have to ask myself that the reason I might be here is because I am also a crazy person.

Don't get me wrong I love running. I love the feeling and the satisfaction of it. I love the people I run with.

I always told myself that the marathon was not for me. It was not something that I wanted to do or could do. I always remember my first 10km race and after finishing it if someone had said to me go back and run that again I would have punched them.

But like I said here I am sitting in my bed and my marathon training starts on Tuesday. Why am I doing this? I think it's simply because I want to prove to myself that I can. I also will be making this journey with a couple of other friends, so at least I won't be alone.