Saturday, June 7, 2008

The Beginning

I never thought I would be here and by "here" I mean sitting in my bed writing a blog about how I am going to run a marathon. For the longest time I have thought that people who run marathons are crazy. Why would anyone want to do that to themselves? But after running 5 half marathons, training through snowstorms, and heat warning I have to ask myself that the reason I might be here is because I am also a crazy person.

Don't get me wrong I love running. I love the feeling and the satisfaction of it. I love the people I run with.

I always told myself that the marathon was not for me. It was not something that I wanted to do or could do. I always remember my first 10km race and after finishing it if someone had said to me go back and run that again I would have punched them.

But like I said here I am sitting in my bed and my marathon training starts on Tuesday. Why am I doing this? I think it's simply because I want to prove to myself that I can. I also will be making this journey with a couple of other friends, so at least I won't be alone.

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